You gotta do all the things…

The VSC 2023 is here and we’re addressing all big questions that come with it.

However, one of questions we often hear at the point of registering for the VSC is…

”Can I pick and choose which events to compete in?”

The short answer is…well, no.

You gotta do all the things!


The VSC events have been specially chosen for the qualities they represent:

  • The Deadlift represents a honest display of absolute strength

  • The Pull-up or Flexed Arm Hang represents the ability to master one’s own body and defy gravity

  • and The Snatch represents the top tier of kettlebell skills and is as much a mental battle as it is a physical endurance event

Each of the events by themselves are as important as the rest and together will help prepare you life challenges and take your strength to the next level.

Often, one or more of the events might feel a little out of your comfort zone.

Maybe you’re just coming to terms with the Snatch or maybe it’s the pull-up that sends shivers down your spine.

This is okay, normal and wholeheartedly valid.

Unlike our standard programming, the skills by themselves are not chosen because they are easy or low barrier.

However, you’ve got the best part of 8-weeks to step outside what you feel is within your abilities and (with support) challenge how you see yourself as an athlete.

To “pick and choose” misrepresents the point of The VSC and more importantly leaves strength gains, growth and new experiences on the table!

So lean into the discomfort and reach out if/ when you need help!


Are you a fair weather gardener?


VSC FAQs 2024