Don’t just hear it from me

The experience doesn't end once the workshop is finished.

Alan, Valkyrie Gym member.

Alan is part of the furniture around here at Valkyrie Gym.

He’s incredibly passionate about educating himself on good technique.
Here’s what he has to say about Aleks Salkin’s 2020 Bodyweight Workshop.

1) What were the obstacles or barriers that would have prevented you from signing up to Aleks Salkin's Workshop before?

Salkins' workshop initially appeared to require a minimum fitness/skill level.
It really didn't.
As a beginner, I felt supported throughout the workshop. I walked away from the workshop confident that the more advanced skills were achievable with practice.

2) What did you find as a result of attending Aleks' workshop?

Aleks claims to be able to teach you some really cool advanced skills (handstand pushups, L-sits, etc).

At the time, I thought it absolutely ridiculous that I could achieve any of that, particularly when I was struggling with a regular pushup. The workshop was centred around how to progress towards those movements. After all, there would not have been much point to teaching any of these skills if everyone who turned up to the workshop were already experts.

3) What specific feature do you like most about the workshops, material taught or the coaching?

The experience doesn't end once the workshop is finished.

One of the hallmarks of learning is the need to practice. Often, there is a booklet that is provided that has the content from the workshop inside. This allows you to refresh your understanding, and guide your learning as you continue to practice post-workshop.

I still have my booklet from Aleks' workshop circa 2020, and I'm looking forward to the second edition.

“A common motif at Valkyrie is that you can learn to be strong. If you have been a student of Hugo, Alice, Sean, and Sam, you will know that even though they teach common content, they do so from the lens of the own unique perspective. Imagine learning from someone who has primarily taught in an environment outside of Australia.

What tips, tricks, and insight might they bring?”

4) What would be three other benefits about the workshops, material taught or the coaching?

Goal setting: you walk away from the workshop knowing exactly how to work towards achieving some advanced skills.

A good story: Tell your friends that a guy flew out from America to teach you how to do a handstand pushup.
P.S. The correct answers to the question "Can you do [skill]?" are "yes" or "not yet".

5) Would you recommend the special workshops we host at Valkyrie Gym? If so, why?

I cannot recommend the special workshops enough.

You're telling me that I can have access to world class (foreign) instructors and coaches, and I don't need to catch an early international flight?

I can have a full day to ask questions of people who train elite athletes and, at the end of the day, I can sleep in my own bed?

Sign me up every single time.

Lucky for us, Aleks is hitting our shores again this March.
If Alan’s feedback is anything to go on, we are going to be in for a treat!




Bodyweight Mastery: Aleks Salkin