VSC Deadlift Event: Ramp-up Sets

The Deadlift Event requires athletes to perform 3 single reps with the goal of lifting the most amount of weight possible.

How do we ramp-up appropriately so that we can perform our best on the platform?

Unfortunately, the answer is very “it depends” and isn’t black and white. High level competitors will have differing opinions on how to do this most effectively however they all will follow this basic rule.

They want to ramp-up to their opening attempt without making crazy big jumps AND without wasting time with insignificant jumps that will gas them out.

It’s the sweet spot that will allow you to perform at your best.

I’ll share two examples following a “5-3-1 ladder” that will hopefully help you figure out the jumps you need to make.

Note: These opening weights are weights that these example lifters can make any day of the week (not their absolute best attempt).

Example #1: Lifter opens with 100kg or less

Set 1: 5 x 40kg

Set 2: 3 x 60kg

Set 3: 1 x 80kg

Set 4: 1 x 90kg

Opening attempt: 100kg

Example #2: Lifter opens with 200kg or more

Set 1: 5 x 70kg

Set 2: 3 x 120kg

Set 3: 1 x 170kg

Set 4: 1 x 190kg

Opening attempt: 200kg

In these two examples, the weights jumps are big but not too big. They both allow for the lifters to get used to the increase in weight but don’t take away from their opening attempt.

If you’re unsure about this process, practise it pre-comp in the lead up to the VSC day!


Here’s what we’re doing rn (right now).


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